Sunday, December 30, 2007

OK...Let's Test the VO Mic Box.

Someone wisely asked, "how about letting us hear a test of the Portable VO Mic Box you built." Good idea.

When I use the the box, I will most likely use the Sennheiser MKH 416 because of its narrow focus on the sound. That may not be a fair test of the box to use it. So for this test, I grabbed a larger diaphram condenser that's more sensitive to ambient sounds.
We added compression to the test because compression usually enhances any room noice. So you will hear both takes--without and with compression.

VO Mic Box Test and scroll to the bottom.

If you didn't see how we made the simple Portable VO Mic Box, it's two blog post back.


Poppy said...

which mic did u you use for that test? thanks.

vomictest said...

Right now, probably the most sensitive mic in the house is the new Audio Upgrades MCA SP-1 and that's the one we chose.
All of our other mics are great, but each has a "sound." The SP-1 has a flatter response curve and a pretty full frequency response too.
Thanks, Willie

Poppy said...

wow that SP-1 sounds dang good especially with the voice. it has a little bit of hiss in it but when you put it over a track it wont be heard. i was expecting you to say a neuman u87 or something!