Monday, June 29, 2009

Microphones, Preamps and Impedance--Oh MY!

Want to get technical? Why are there so many variations of sound between mics and different preamps? There's lots of reasons. Many of which we have mentioned on these pages.

But I've noticed that in talking with the master technicians, they may add a little "footnote" to discussions about matching mics and preamps--impedance matching. They mention it as an aside and almost under their breath at the very end of the talks.

I may have referred you to other papers and sources about this subject in the past, but in case you missed this one, I submit it again. It's from the Microphone-Data website in an article by Rob Jones. Check out the PDF Here.

Keep in mind that Mr. Jones worked for Focusrite and demonstrates with a preamp with adjustable impedance--one of his.

How do I feel about it? He sums it up pretty well in his last paragraph:

Most microphones can be used very satisfactorily with most preamplifiers and true “matching” is actually undesirable. However if you are seeking a particular quality, tone, colouration, character – the terms are not fixed – then picking the right combination of equipment can be very helpful.

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