Thursday, May 28, 2009

MicPort Pro Video Test Coming...I promise.

Actually, it's done and in the can. BUT...are you ready for this.... I can't seem to upload it.
Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is? I own a video production company, a group of Cable Access TV Channels... and I can't produce this simple on-camera demo of the Centrance MicPort Pro.
Oh believe me, it is GREAT! I mean I take it out of the box, plug it in to a Sennheiser MKH-416, turn on a video camera... and let it rip. No holds barred. If it is bad, we will see and hear it. Stupid me apparently did not match up the bit rate of the recorded video with the recorded audio through the Micport Pro. That means the video and audio are out of sync.

BUT SO WHAT!! Here is the actual audio as we recorded it on the video STRAIGHT THROUGH THE Centrance:

(It's a wav file so let it load)

I will stifle my pride and get a real video producer to straighten out my mess and YOU WILL SEE THE VIDEO TEST. And you will also get my opinion of this fine unit. (Here is a hint....It passed a supreme test by saving my butt in an audio emergency overnight.) And we will test various types of popular mics on the VO Mic Test Page.


Poppy said...

thanks for this post of the original wav file sounds great.

Poppy said...

I was wondering if you could post this test.
Sennheiser mkh 416, a hollywood standard VO mic and boom mic ($1000) versus an OSP STM1300 (250$). Both plugged into a zoom H4n, no pop filter used sorry about that, 6 inches away from my mouth, no processing. Is it worth the price difference for this application? I also have a test from 12" that I will upload soon. Let us know your thoughts.