Saturday, May 17, 2008

Showed Me--A Great Demonstration

If you believe in your product, what is the best way to prove it works as good as you say? Demonstrate it in actual use under familiar conditions of how the customer will use it. Right? The Schoeps Microphone Showroom is probably the best interactive comparison of a microphone product line we’ve seen.
Go to the SCHOEPS Microphone Showroom.
After the intro choose English (or whichever suits you). Let the Flash files load and click the “speaker” button. It will load a speaker file. You will notice a highlighted column under the CMIT 5 U signifying distance of mic to speaker. Listen to each one as you pull the marker to the various distances. Wow!
Many video professionals have told me that I really ought to try the Schoeps shotgun for our video crews. I said, “Sure—someday, somehow.” But I really had no idea that I could—until this demonstration. Now, I’m a believer.


Poppy said...

I'm definitely a believer that the schoeps is a great deal of hype. I used to own an mk41 and did direct comparisons with it compared to an 835b AT (thats right a less then 300 mic!!) I did blind tests on all my friends and either the picked the AT over the schoeps or said they basically sounded the same. I of course used different speaker mediums and used a sound devices usb mic pre to record. Even if there is a true difference, I think if ur audience can't hear it then why spend the extra 1300 bucks. The only thing i liked better was the noise floor. Btw Ty Ford has some good direct comparisons on his website of the schoeps shotgun vs the 416. I prefer the 416 sound myself. then again its all subjective right!?

Anonymous said...

Hi - unfortunately the Schoeps flash-application has a very high compression rate. ...doesn't sound very good in my opinion :-(
...but that's the limitation of this application of course.
Btw - if you are interested in the CMIT shotgun:

For an investigation I just made some mic comparisons in an unusal way: I've carried a collection of a few mics into an anechoic chamber for some measurements. The purpose was to make a polar diagram audible. The mics were positioned on a B&K turntable in front of an equalized soundsource. Noise signal of 74 dB SPL at the reference point. Turning from 0° to 180° in about 40 seconds (you hear the motor a little bit and a click when it starts and stops).
Amazing rejection of off-axis sound and listen to the off-axis coloration! ;-)

Schoeps MK41:
Schoeps CMIT5U:
Sennheiser MKH416:

in relation to that I've measured frequency responses in different angles.

The CMIT is state of the art. Anyway, for some critical jobs in damp and heat the MKH will be the better choice for me. The MK41 is used preferably indoor.

The complete posting (with some other mics) was published (in german) here:
...need a translation? contact me :-)